
School Workshops
We offer 20 years experience having worked in over 300 schools. We pride ourselves in delivering expertly crafted workshops which are designed to build confidence, creativity and theoretical understanding through practical application in a safe and encouraging environment. We can explore set texts, practitioners, devising, and can tailor each session to suit the needs of both GSCE and A-Level groups. A
The power and focus of the workshop engaged
our students in a way I have never seen before!
They produced excellent work which was visually and
emotionally gripping. Thank you.’
'The workshops being geared to our practitioner needs was so helpful and fully supported our examination work, feeding directly into the needs and requirements of the curriculum. On top of that, it was FUN. Thankyou!'
Sherborne School For Girls
Booked on the same day as the show. These would be for additional sessions not including the 2hr workshop which is included with the show price:
1hr - £50
2hr 30mins - £75
2hr - £100
Booked separately without the show:
1hr - £150
1hr 30mins - £175
2hr - £200
3hrs - £250
6hrs - £400
For full day rates and specialised sessions, please contact for a pricing.
All actors and workshop leaders are fully DBS checked.
Maximum number per workshop 30 students

Brecht and Epic Theatre
An energetic, fast paced and fully practical exploration of Brecht's
V-Effekt techniques.
We look at the art of demonstrating, by using voice, stance, gesture, movement, narration, commentary, facial expression, tableaux, humour and proxemics to communicate a gestic social and political message.
The students will be able to understand Brecht in a clear and fun way and finish the workshop with a toolbox of techniques and ideas to use in their theory and practical work. We can apply the workshop to 'Fear and Misery,' or if you would like us to use a different Brechtian play, stimulus or piece of text, please let us know.
‘The teaching in the workshops was excellent. Brecht’s ideas and methods were delivered with clarity and made instantly accessible with students quickly producing dynamic work…’
Scarborough 6th Form College

During the workshop the students will look at the different theatrical techniques Berkoff uses. We focus on the physical abilities of the performers as a substitute for sets and props, often known as Total Theatre.
We can run the session as a devising workshop, or in connection to a set text.
In both the devising and set text Berkoff sessions, students will explore exaggerated and stylised mime, externalised emotions, abstract use of voice, ensemble playing, sound scapes, slow motion, physicalisation of objects, narration, multi-purpose props and exaggerated characters.
Here we delve into the Theatre of Cruelty, exploring the primitive, visceral elements that make up Artaudian Theatre. The best space for this workshop is a drama studio with access to low level lighting. We also use music and props as a stimulus to creating a style of visual poetry. Students use mime, gesture, physical theatre and stylised, rythmic movement to communicate meaning, mood and atmopshere, rather than the use of simple words.
We can connect these techniques to a set text or as a stimulus for devising.

Set Texts in practise
We will look at the themes, characters, mood and atmopshere and setting of the texts and interpret them from the perspective of an actor/director.
There will be a strong emphasis on characterisation, voice, facial expression, gesture, proxemics, use of space and stage pictures. Students will create work whilst relating it to theory and essay specifics:
'WHAT do I want to communicate to the audience and HOW will I do this using theatrical techniques?'
We can connect the text to a practitioner, or look
at a combination of practitioners. Two of our most popular sessions have been:
'Metamorphosis' exploring Berkoff, Brecht & Artaud
'Woyzeck' exploring Berkoff, Brecht & Artaud